Corona to Vray Scene Converter.
Tested in 3Dsmax 2024, corona 11 and vray 6 update 2.1
Based on the one that comes with Vray 6.
The original script did not work correctly and the only other script available did not do things the way I wanted so I decided to modify the one that comes with vray 6.
It works for me but it might not work for you… , I did things to fit my needs but if you find issues or have suggestions please let me know.
Ver 1.05
– fix: fixed a crash caused by a parameter changed in corona 10+ for the AO texture.
Ver 1.04
– add: The cleanup slate editor seems to be working fine….
– fix: few other fixes and cleanup
– fix: set defualt of vraydistance Inside Solid to ON
Ver 1.03
– fix: removed all the _vray prefix to every map, texture, material, etc. I want to keep the original names
Ver 1.02
– add: Option to not convert the Corona Color Correct map, it turns out vray actually support it if you are using CPU, for GPU you do need to convert it and the result is not 100% correct.
– fix: Render Elements where off after converting
– add: if we had a denosier enabled then we add a VRayDenoiser Render Element
– add: added a function to cleanup the slate editor of unused maps, and removed what I had added to do the same on each function but wasn’t really working
Ver 1.01
– fix/add: reworked the gt_coronaProxiesToVRay function. they were not being created as instances, also now you have the option to use existing proxies, for example if you already converted the scene and don’t want to re-export the animated
proxies which take a lot of time.
– fix: I was missing a forward declaration for (fn gt_createVRayMtl=undefined)
Ver 1.0
– add: Support for converting from CoronaMultiMap to VRayMultiSubTex
– add: Export Animated Proxies
– fix: Export all proxies, the original missed a bunch which were copies and not instances
– add: new GUI
– fix: Several random tweaks
– add: worked on the delete slate node function but it still not working 100% correct, its disabled for now.
– add: all the maps conversion in gt_createVRayTexture now have their own function, even the simple ones, so I can cleanup the nodes after conversion
– add: added gt_converfFrom_Unsupported inTexture, which just adds a color for easy identifying, it needs more work
– add: worked a bit on the map CoronaFrontBack, if there is a map in the front slot it returns that. It needs more work, I know..
– add: converts corona render elements to vray similar ones. It needs more work; some just get deleted. Just did what I need it at the time.
– fix: corona cameras with no target were crashing as it was asking for the target distance. it now checks if it’s a target camera
– add: transfer material ID to the new material
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Hello there, first of all thank u so much for this script, this is the best free Corona-Vray converter that i have tested, i have some suggestions, ill understand if you cannot make them possible due time or complexity.
-For Camera convertion i think that it will be more useful to convert FOV instead of Focal Lenght, at least in my tests all cameras have different sensor models and FOV always gives me the exact ressult
-For Ligths, Corona uses Radiance type as Default, in Vray Default gives you a slightly different ressult, but it also has Radiance units. It is not a real issue but it will give a better ressult to set it the same.
-For Lights type, it seemed to me that Disc units where set half the radius (like it whre calculated as diameter and divided half / corona 3cm – vray 1.5 cm), again its not a big issue.
-It would be amazing if you could add the convertion of Corona Displacement Modifier
Thanks Carlos,
I will keep in mind your suggestions when I get some time to work on this. The displacement modifier I already had it in my todo list.
Hi Guillermo, thanks a lot for sharing this nice script.
The interface and options are a lot nicer to use than the native converter. Unfortunately I have some serious issues when trying to convert my scene:
-I have notice that the percentage value in Bump slot I obtain in most materials once converted to Vraymtl is 10101% instead of 100% as they are in Corona (1.0 I think it is the vale they all have in Corona).
-Another issues I´m having, and it happens in many materials I´ve created, is that the Corona physical materials that are in Disney Specular mode, with 0,5 specular multiplier, get converted to Vraymtl with a 0.5 value in the iOR slot, which leads to a complete weird result. I believe that it´d be safer if 0.5 specular in Corona is translated to something about 1.5 iOR in Vray, but I´m not an expert.
These 2 issues force me to go through all materials manually in my scene after conversion.
Thanks for you suggestions Julio, When I get some free time to work on this I will look into/
Error when converting
–Unknown property: “excludeMode” in Map #1234567: CoronaAO
Hi Paul,
I have not seen that error. the true I haven’t use the script in a while. do you have more information so I can reproduce the error ?
if inTexture.excludeMode == 1 and inTexture.excludeList.count != 0 do vrayDt.excludeList = inTexture.excludeList
line number 2208
“excludemode” in map #11:coronaAO error
This happens because in Corona 10 they have change some names, you need to change the name of the exclude function:
if inTexture.excludeMode == 1 and inTexture.excludeList.count != 0 do vrayDt.excludeList = inTexture.excludeList
if inTexture.excludeMode == 3 do vrayDt.consider_same_object_only = true
if inTexture.occlusionFrom == 1 and inTexture.excludeList.count != 0 do vrayDt.excludeList = inTexture.excludeList
if inTexture.occlusionFrom == 3 do vrayDt.consider_same_object_only = true
i’m facing same error
Hola Guillermo, muchisimas gracias por compartir tu conocimiento.
Estoy en medio de un proyecto que me entregaron en Corona y tu script funciono mil veces mejor que el convertidor de Vray o haber tenido que hacer doble proceso de Corona a Standard y luego si convertir en Vray.
Muchisimas gracias nuevamente!
Hola Jairo
Me da gusto que él es script te alla servido.
Hello Guillermo, the script is so good, But I have still problem of converting my scene, it getting error and it not going through..
Hello there! Firstly, thank you so much for this script. This is the best free Corona-Vray converter.
Thanks for the scripts. Any update for Corona 11 and Vray 6
Just uploaded an update that works with corona 11 and vray 6 update 6.2
It worked great for me. Default Vray converter failed for some reason and this saved me. Thanks !
Que tal Guillermo
Cuando Vray esta activo y se hace una conversion, el script da un error:
if renderers.current.bg_texmap != undefined then (
Dando a entender que es necesario tener Corona como el motor activo, la conversion la hace correctamente, aunque creo que en ocasiones no termina de hacer las conversiones, seria posible que se pudiera hacer la conversion sin este detalle? o es necesario tener Corona siempre activo? ya que realmente muchas veces lo uso para ciertos objetos y no escenas completas.
Tienes que cerrar los render settings y tiene que estar corona como el render engine cuando corras el script