Planter Script
Scatter a list of objects across a surface, you can make them randomly change the scale, rotation and tilt. For example placing trees, plants, rocks, etc.
Requires: 3DMax 8 – 2011
Version: 1.12
I started using the script Scatter Tool v0.51 but soon learn that with large number objects it became way too slow
to work with, so I decide it to rewrite the script. I think part of the problem was that he was using paintinterface so I made mine using mouseTrack.
Script Information
Pick Surface: Select the object where you want to scatter the objects
Add Selected: Add the selected objects to the list. This will be used randomly when painting on the surface
Remove Selected: Remove objects from the list.
Scale: apply random scale from this two values to the scatter objects
Rotation: apply random Rotation from this two values to the scatter objects
Tilt: apply random tilt from these two values to the scatter objects.
Paint Distance: this is the separation between objects, just click on the slider and drag it to either side
Dist Mult: changing this will change the multiplier for the slider to use bigger or smaller numbers for the separation.
Bounding collision: not working jet.
Straight up: checking this will place the objects straight up and not perpendicular to the faces.
Paint: checked to paint the objects on the surface
Click and move the mouse:
Ctrl: and move the mouse over the new target surface. This is the same as clicking on Pick Surface
Shift: Stop Painting. Same as un checking the paint button
Ctrl + Shift: Start painting again.
Click Only:
Alt: Plant an Object on each click and not spraying.
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